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We need you!

​Mataki works because we have amazing people who want to volunteer every convention, but we always need more friends

So are you:

  • 18 years or older?
  • A human being?
  • Willing to work hard for the Bring and Buy?
  • Have some experience in the Anime/Manga scene?
  • Have not made an enemy that will bring out their doomsday device once they see you?

If you've read this and thought; wow this is me! Congratulations! You are a list on a website that has clouds as a background! You are also more than welcome to apply for a job with Mataki, please use the form, which you can find under contact. Use subject; Working with Mataki. You can write this email in Dutch or English.

Please note:​
Applying doesn't mean you are in. We will discuss it first and see when we need you. This might sound a bit weird, but for some conventions we have enough people, for others we don't. We also need more people that don't mind being on the back-up list. This list is used when the people who were supposed to go, couldn't because of personal reasons.

Thank you very much!!


Bring & Buy

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